The Seventh Spring

I saw the dark pillars and boles

And my body was darker than normal.

Fire apples were hanging

from the leafless trees

and the breath tasted

like searing fragrance.

I was in this burning forest

as far as my evanescent mind flies.

The forest remembers everything,

the first raindrop that kissed me

and missed me forever,

the second cloud that rained over me

and stained me forever,

the third drizzle that danced with me

and replaced  me forever,

the fourth lightning that struck me

and shocked me forever,

the fifth flood that drowned me

and crowned me forever,

the sixth river that washed me

and baptized me forever,


Then I saw a white little angel

holding her magic wand,

wearing, the cutest smile

and few ephemeral snowflakes.

She was an ethereal moon

set aflame in a tragic sky.


I know she is on the other side of the fumy river

But I am still waiting like a phoenix who outlived nine ravens.

And I know she is  the seventh spring that will transform me

and dissolve in me forever….


Originally Published in 'The Silver Birch Press',
Los Angeles on the 2nd June 2021. 
Thank you so much Melanie.

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