Coffee Bean

Kabini* was carrying the coracle** and me

like a phlegmatic old man who carries a Palanquin

and I saw you floating towards me

sitting on a banyan tree leaf

covered in  red thin skin and sweet pulp.

I never saw you this beautiful.

You were always cold and dark brown

like a meditating monk.


I always loved your heady scent

when you come to me

in a freshly brewed pot.

You awaken my spirit,

flavour my life,

and smell like soulful love


Coffee Bean, You are the one who taught me

to enhance the colour of each moment,

to refresh the aroma of each breath,

even if life puts us in boiling waters.


Kabini*- A river in India, originates in the Wayanad District of Kerala state.

Coracle** – A traditional round shaped boat.

Originally published in 
the Jul-Aug 2021 issue of
'The Writer's and Reader's Magazine',UK.
Thank you so much Storm Grayson.
Also published in the October issue of 
'The Litterateur RW, based in Thiruvananthapuram,

Special Thanks to KGenesis for the
beautiful synopsis.

My Sincere gratitude 
to Mr.Riyaz of Kalpetta,Wayanad. 
His in depth knowledge
about Coffee Bean and 
Wayanad has really helped me 
in completing this poem.
I am also overwhelmed by 
his kind hospitality.  

Synopsis of Poem:

We must feed our soul with positive actions. The nature has ample gifts for all of us, with which we can explore the basic aspects of positive psychology including gratitude, self-compassion, creativity and strength. One such  is coffee bean, rich food for your brain and soul. The fact is that it’s the best company for lovers and readers and the life partner for singles.

It might be a little bitter to accept, but all of us should realize our vulnerability. Only the hard time can prove that, whether you are a coffee bean or not. Be a coffee bean; which awakens your spirit, flavours your life, and smells like soulful love. Even if life puts you in boiling water, you enhance the colour of each moment.

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